Welcome Letter

Daniel Cullinan
PYP Coordinator and Head of School

Dear Families,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to our school website! We hope that you will enjoy learning more about The Giving Tree International School, your child’s home away from home.

With the pandemic seemingly coming towards its conclusion, there is a wonderful sense of cautious optimism spreading at school. The learners and educators are enjoying their school lives again, and we can feel the optimism growing every day. 

We truly are a family here at The Giving Tree, and that permeates down from our ever-supportive founders, and through our staff, many of whom have been here since Day 1 when we opened 14 years ago.

Our school is proud to have full accreditation from the International Baccalaureate (IB), to deliver their Primary Years Program (PYP) to your children, and I truly believe that this is the best education system in the world. Your children will graduate with the same Maths, English and Science skills that they would from any school offering the British or US curriculum. However, unlike those programs, our learners will also be able to demonstrate a wealth of real world knowledge, skills, and independence that are not prioritised by those other education systems.

Our learning style is active, thought provoking, and fun. We use an inquiry based approach to learning that enables your children to have an input into the topics that they learn about. The educators retain control of the class, but we allow the learners to focus on small projects of their choosing that reflect their own interests and passions. This grants the learners agency, which results in more engaged learners, which in turn leads to greater academic attainment.

I like to have an open door policy for our parents and learners, and would happily sit down with parents to discuss the curriculum or any other concerns that you may have. At The Giving Tree, we respect our learners and their parents, and value their feedback on our performance, and welcome you to make an appointment to discuss the program in more detail at your convenience.

Many thanks for taking the time to read this, and for visiting our website.

Warmest Regards,

Mr. Daniel Cullinan.

PYP Coordinator and Head of School.